Commercial Litigation Lecture Series for Associates

The Commercial Division Advisory Council in New York has organized a unique lecture series on commercial litigation during June 2025. The series will be presented virtually on Zoom to summer and other associates at multiple offices of major law firms throughout the United States, and various international lawyers. The goal of the series is to educate our future and current lawyers about the Commercial Division and commercial practice, the wide variety of cases that come before the Commercial Division, and the value of clerking, interning, and litigating in the Commercial Division. The speakers at each program will include a Commercial Division Justice and at least one attorney. Each of these four programs will last approximately one hour and will be scheduled between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. ET.

The topics and principal speakers are:

Date Topic Speakers
June 5, 2025 Written and Electronic Discovery Hon. Gretchen Walsh
Lynn K. Neuner
June 10, 2025 Motion Practice Hon. Fidel E. Gomez
Robert J. Giuffra Jr.
June 17, 2025 Depositions Hon. Melissa A. Crane
Roberta A. Kaplan
June 25, 2025 Trials Hon. Richard R. Reed
Loretta E. Lynch

The Commercial Division Advisory Council presented similar lecture series during 2022, 2023, and 2024. The lecture series in 2022 was primarily for summer associates in New York State, the lecture series in 2023 was expanded to summer associates throughout the United States, and the lecture series in 2024 was also offered worldwide to international members of the New York State Bar Association and the New York City Bar Association, and alumni in countries outside the United States of a number of law schools.  Because of the success of the three prior lecture series, the invitees at this year’s lecture series have been expanded to include all associates at major law firms throughout the United States, instead of just summer associates.

If your firm’s associates would like to attend, please RSVP via e-mail to  The Commercial Division Advisory Council plans to accept RSVPs from law firms, not from individuals, and to provide a Zoom link to one person designated by each law firm to enable viewing of the programs by groups in each of the firm’s locations.

Posted by Doug Toering and Brian Markham of Mantese Honigman, P.C.