Hon. Heather Welch Named as ABA Judicial Division Chair

Earlier this month, the ABA Judicial Division held its Annual Meeting in Chicago (July 31 to August 5). At the conference, Judge Heather Welch was named the 2023-2024 Chair of the Judicial Division. Judge Welch served on the bench in the Marion Superior Court (Indianapolis, IN) for 23 years—for almost eight of those years, she was a commercial court judge. During her impressive tenure on the bench, Judge Welch managed more than 2,000 cases, including complex commercial disputes.

The Judicial Division describes itself as “the voice of the judiciary, supporting an effective, accessible, fair, and impartial justice system. We seek to improve public trust and understanding of the role of courts in upholding the rule of law, while extending the opportunity for participation to diverse judges throughout America.” A copy of the Judicial Division’s bylaws can be found here.

Thank you to Mitchell Bach for bringing this to our attention.

Posted by Doug Toering and Matt Rose