On December 11, 2024, the Michigan Supreme Court announced that effective January 1, 2025, Judge Carol A. Kuhnke will replace Judge Timothy P. Connors as the business court judge at the Washtenaw County Trial Court. Judge Connors is retiring after 34 years on the bench, including serving by election or appointment as a state district court judge, state probate court judge, state circuit court judge, and state tribal court judge.
More information about the Michigan Supreme Court’s announcement may be found at: https://www.courts.michigan.gov/siteassets/rules-instructions-administrative-orders/proposed-and-recently-adopted-orders-on-admin-matters/recent-court-appointments/2024-01_2024-12-11_formor_apptbcwashtenaw.pdf
Posted by Doug Toering and Brian Markham of Mantese Honigman, P.C.