The following two repostings from 2022 address changes in the Circuit Court of Cook County Commercial Calendar’s Uniform Standing Orders. Circuit Court of Cook County…
We are re-posting our reporting on New York Commercial Division Developments in 2022, on this single page, as all Business Court Blog posts between February…
We had a bit of a mix-up, and our 2022 posts from March-December have been deleted. We will be reposting many of those Blog entries…
Maryland’s Judiciary will be holding a Business and Technology Judicial Bootcamp, for judges who are within its Business and Technology Case Management Program, and appellate…
In the latest amendment to the New York Commercial Division Rules, on January 7, 2022, Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks ordered the implementation of…
The top shelf treatise, Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, recently published its Fifth Edition. This 10 volume work, including contributions by over 250…
West Virginia Chief Justice Evan Jenkins has appointed Judge Maryclaire Akers to a seven-year term in West Virginia’s Business Court Division. A copy of the…
On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, New York Commercial Division Rule 37 goes into effect. The new rule governs remote depositions. An appendix providing a form…
Commerce Court Judge Remy Djerassi recently issued a short, but very interesting, Order (1) rejecting an argument that there was a failure to join indispensable…
The American College of Business Court Judges Sixteenth Annual Meeting took place in Jackson, Mississippi from October 27 to October 29, 2021. Current ACBCJ President…