North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has nominated four judges to serve on North Carolina’s Business Court. Two of these judges, The Honorable Adam Conrad and…
The West Virginia Business Court Division recently issued its 2020 Annual Report. A copy of the report can be found here. General background This nine-year…
For those with access to Law360, Andrew Strickler has just published the article, Georgia ‘Opt-Out’ Rule An Outlier in Business Court Trend. A link to…
The “full consent jurisdiction” issue is becoming of some interest recently. There are a few business court dockets where all parties must consent to the…
North Carolina’s Administrative Office of the Courts has issued its 2020 annual report on North Carolina’s Business Court. A copy of the report can be…
In presenting his 2022-2023 budget to the Texas Legislature, Governor Abbott recommended that “the 87th Legislature approve the creation of business courts, including the court…
The Wisconsin Law Journal published an article yesterday, by Wisconsin attorneys Lon Roberts and Matthew Rowe, on the latest developments in Wisconsin’s business courts. A…
Nassau County Commercial Division Judge Timothy Driscoll recently found that a movie theater did not have insurance coverage for business losses, based on a COVID-19…
For those of you with access to the ABA Section of Business Law’s website, a second podcast from judicial authors of the Business Courts Bench…
For those with access to the ABA Section of Business Law’s website, there is a podcast available, An Introduction to the Benchbook and Business Courts,…