On November 1, 2020, two new Commercial Courts were initiated in Stuttgart and Mannheim, Germany. A link to these courts’ website can be found here.…
Las Vegas Business Court Judge Mark R. Denton issued an order last week denying an insurer’s efforts to dismiss a Covid-19 business interruption insurance coverage…
As recently reported, “For the first time since the 2016 establishment of Commercial Courts as a pilot, the Courts are expanding. Four new counties will…
The American College of Business Court Judges has elected new officers for the coming year. The ACBCJ President will be Jackson, Mississippi Chancery Court Judge…
The Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly’s Editorial Advisory Board yesterday endorsed expansion of the Suffolk Superior Court’s Business Litigation Session (BLS). The bulk of the Board’s editorial…
Although Wyoming’s Chancery Court is not yet operational, per the Wyoming Supreme Court’s December 30, 2019 Order adopting Rules of Civil Procedure for the Chancery…
As we summarized last week, Pennsylvania’s Legislature unanimously passed a bill that would permit business court programs statewide, both on the appellate and trial court…
A Philadelphia restaurant, Taps & Bourbon on Terrace, LLC, (Taps & Bourbon) sought business interruption insurance coverage from Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London (Lloyds) arising…
The Chief Administrative Judge of the New York Courts issued an Administrative Order on September 29, 2020, amending Rule 6 of the Rules of Practice…
Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives has approved legislation that would permit the creation of a statewide Commerce Court Program in the Commonwealth’s Superior Court (an intermediate…