On November 6, 2019, Wisconsin Chief Justice Patience Drake Roggensack gave considerable attention to Wisconsin’s new business court during her State of the Judiciary Address.…
We note three 2019 legal research papers focusing on international business courts, all including some degree of comparison with U.S. business courts. In Delaware’s New Competition, set…
A number of business and complex litigation courts have created standardized forms for use by their judges and practitioners. We have previously posted some of…
Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit is reopening its Business Court on October 21, 2019. The Court’s announcement can be found here. Judge Dan Traver will sit…
As part of a Michigan Institute for Continuing Legal Education program, Business Court Judge Christopher Yates recently addressed the adequacy of initial disclosures from a…
As required by statute, North Carolina’s Administrative Office of the Courts issued its August 1, 2019 report on North Carolina’s Business Court. A copy of…
In 2017, Tennessee’s Twenty-First Judicial District created a Complex Commercial Dispute Docket (CCDD) in the Circuit and Chancery Courts of Williamson County, located in Franklin,…
The State Bar of Michigan’s Business Law and Litigation Sections are sponsoring the program, New Discovery Rules and the Business Courts, on October 15, 2019.…
Philadelphia Commerce Court Judge Ramy Djerassi recently issued an Order reiterating fundamental points concerning proof of lost profit damages. In BBB Industries, LLC v. Cardone…
In June, Louisiana’s Senate unanimously adopted a Resolution, SR235, creating “a task force to study and make recommendations to the legislature on the advisability of…