Seven 2022 New York Commercial Division Posts Re: (1) ESI (2) Discovery Overhaul (3) Benefits of Commercial Division (4) Unnecessary Adjournments; Pleading Practice (5) Virtual Hearings and Bench Trials (6) Motions in Limine and (7) Video Deposition Objections; Pre-Marking Exhibits

We are re-posting our reporting on New York Commercial Division Developments in 2022, on this single page, as all Business Court Blog posts between February…

Philadelphia Commerce Court (1) Finds no Requirement to Join all of Hotel Trust’s Subordinate Entities in Declaratory Judgment Action Seeking Covid-19 Insurance Coverage; and (2) Refuses to Enforce Forum Selection Clause as Unreasonable, when Multiple Defendants with Different Insurance Policies are Involved

Commerce Court Judge Remy Djerassi recently issued a short, but very interesting, Order (1) rejecting an argument that there was a failure to join indispensable…